Marathon PLOVDIV


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Registration for the 3K Ambelino Kids Run


Please use only Latin alphabet for registration *

* I declare that all data I have submitted is true and exact.

* Gender:
Female    Male   

* Country:

* City:

* Year of birth:


* Name and Family name, of the parent / authorized person, who completes the registration:

* I declare that all data I have submitted is true and exact.

* I declare, that my child participates in Ambelino Kids Run by his/hers own will.

* I declare that the child I am registering for participation has no medical contradictions for participation in athletics / running competitions.

* I agree that the name and personal data of my child will be used and published on the Marathon Plovdiv & Half Marathon website for the purposes of his/hers participation in the race.

* I am aware and understand that during the participation of my child in the race, photos will be taken, which can be posted on the Marathon Plovdiv & Half Marathon website, as well as on social media, without being notified in advance of this. I reserve the right to request the removal of all published photos on which my child do appear.

The participation in Ambelino Kids Run is free of charge, although in order to participate every child should be registered in advance until September 01, 2023 the latest

Participation fee

Team code registration:

Registration time is over !!!